15:44, October 2, 2011 (UTC)
First, the abridged eleven and a half pages of illegible notes:
How much will physical recording affect the experience? Oink. They’re going to Hell. Ugly shirt. Pretty brown guy
Striked ballot
Politics is small talk
Hot ass jeans
Guy made eye contact with me. Right with me right down there
How nice you’re…
You mis…?
With like guy a lot of passages
Hand on right ear
This is shorthand. Write that
Cars: black blue gold green black black black
Story - Trip - About some guy writing in her notebook …? Nobody can read it either
Pulled last pylon
I can’t read that
I can kind of
122.7. That’s important
Things scared hippo. Tonight scarves a hippo. Scare a hippo guy oh
Woman on foot. Birds on bumps on a log
I have to go on to buy my train
Valid tomorrow?
The lines long will you hold my coffee? If you walk in circles
Little girl: Did you bring the iPad? / No, did you want me to? I brought the iPhone
All that
Not put movies on the iPhone. Can we do that?
214 Cross Avenue. Sports burger. Phones Heyyah. Tickets for billets. 20$. May have to return. Ticket at Union station are those too small hid mommy know you were hearing loser boy
Any ears that don’t have a hat put your skirt shirt down
This whole line
Go back to
I can get a lot done with a couple months
We will get a seat
Don’t let that probability start to influence you
Only freezing right here. It’s not cold. Arrararargh
Bought brocoli rockstar
I think so you are so close to the door I’m really hungry I’m cumming
Me for they
All alone in a crowded train
Doors are now closing. I haven’t been on here for so long. Clarkson
gasp She has sunglasses
Why can’t it be about me?
I could write this about you but it’d be more interesting if you don’t
I hate socks and sandals
& & & & & & & &
Got into the smoking sparkle: I don’t like new eye brows
Staring she doesn’t notice me. Crossarm?
I can taste Goldschläger in my snot
Really? Really. Oh my god. Oh my god. Ah shitty. Ah this is shit
As talking
God hopes not
No: I feel like I should
It’s funny because it’s standard
I don’t remember HAHA
Ow I hit my head
You guys were laughing
I see people as a joke
Clarkson this station stop: Clarkson
Smart ass absolute dumb ass
Let’s reach upstairs
No longer fun
Like regular people
Doors closing. Stand clear of the stairs. Stand clear
He never made eye contact with me
Ugly people: fun eh?
Nice enough
Sunglasses and beach glam
Saturday not Tuesday
Scribbles so I don’t have
I said so
Port Credit. Stand clear of the door please. Doors are closing
My neck hurts
I don’t have 250 words to say about that guy. He isn’t even looking at me. He doesn’t care about me. How am I suppose to write 250 words going about how this guy is some other guy when it’s clear in 44 words?
Ticket check. Aren’t you glad I made you go back? Wrong side. Thanks
Where are we? I didn’t here
Mimeco next
Pin head
Checked twice
Oh… oh. Ask her
It’d be nice to have someone who’d write down everything I say
Mimeco next station stop. Mimeco
Ryan Pitt is a teat. Who is Ryan Pitt? Brad Pitt. I hate him so much
In the face
Exhibition. Next station stop: Exhibition
She’s reading: Where Demons Fear to Tread
It’s gonna be home. She’s sleepy already. Um…
& then
Time really yeah yeah
So what’s mom’s plan?
My other. They’re summer. Summer time
Sleep on my shoulder
In her head
Exhibition. Station stop. Exhibition
On I hear
Union station. Next station stop
I don’t know what they’re there. Up every week
I think I’d have a heart attack if I did this again
Guy refused
You don’t see it
5/6. Please keep in mind crossing the tracks is dangerous & illegal. Go Leafs go
This about the city:
I found drinks. Strawberry shake. Nestea. A cold coffee. Mixed some coke and punch found by each other. Bottom of a coke
X files. That’s later. First we’re walking around walking around and wondering where’s where and what’s what. I’m wanting French Vanilla and she’s wanting to figure out where Chinatown is so we can get go pieces and we’re walking and I’m think what’s this or that this or that. A thought: In all this, I can’t remember every single ad. Every single pretty face on a square. All these people walking. It took too long to break from the crowd. Bubble tea was too expensive. Everywhere’s going nowhere. Take out forty I won’t spend. Go to work and walk through a puddle with wet feet and don’t roll down those rolled down pant legs because that’s that and this’ll be this. That’s not what I’m talking about. Leave and find strawberry shake. It was hard to get in but I’ll show you the way out. There’s poor busking and cotton candy. The sandwich gets tossed and there goes half my two toonies. There’s line ups for photos. Photo’s are being taken in front of simple lights and clowns. Finding random coffees and stuff and exhibits and crowds. Crashing them in when going to go. Asian food bought primarily for chicken. Stop in at smoke screens and ice cream. They say thank you I say you’re welcome. Banana boat. Climb up. Climb down. Girate to rotate.Wait around. For once not in a crowd. Could I take a piss? Won’t til I’m home. I want a soda. Get me a soda. He has a soda. Train’s here. I want a soda. Oh my god we’re going to miss the train. I got a soda and we didn’t miss the train. Twenty minutes to go see the fires start so we didn’t go because we’d seen a pile of paper tubes and some guy showing his stuff on the way back and line ups into alleys that are usually empty enough to mug people in. An ambulance is on the way. Jump on the back and jump. He’s playing possum. Mix to drink because she’s thirsty and the dragon mall didn’t have go pieces. Walking the wrong way. Walking the right way. There’s pretty people all around. Also ugly. Gates to stop cars but people never stop. The night of cutting off cars. We know people who would fit this scene. I want to go there. I want to go here. No there. Or there. Where? There. There’s a bird flying. It’s spacey this year. She’s a little tipsy. Don’t go in the bathroom she’s in there. I don’t like them
You could randomly cast a smokescreen and abduct scotfree. Cast a tractor beam and enjoy the show
Also there’s lasers in the sky